A specialist council of the Alberta Teacher's Association

A member submitted book review
“Rooted in Joy: Creating a Classroom Culture of Equity, Belonging and Care” by Deonna Smith
Book Review by Colleen Bowman
Our very own Cathy Wiedrick has spent much time reviewing Collaborative Response by Kurtis Hewson and Lorna Hewson.

The Re-Set Process: Trauma Informed Behavior Strategies Book Study
JOIN US: March 14, March 21, and September 2023
4:15 pm to 5:15 pm on Zoom
Link sent via email to suscribed members
Amazon link to purchase book
Teachers have long known that the brain learns best when it is both calm and alert. Unfortunately, many of our students arrive in our classrooms with brains that are wired for survival rather than learning and are unable to self-regulate. This makes classroom success difficult. Our students know this.
During Student Forums, student’s advised that a mental health support they wished for was the ability to take needed breaks from classes to "reset" and to have this intervention normalized in their school so they could easily return to class. Our classroom teachers continue to ask for more skills to quickly and effectively support students in re-setting or regulating their brains to a state of calm, alert and ready to learn.
If you would like to explore a trauma-informed process to help your students re-regulate and return to active learning, join us for a three-part Book Study series. These 60-minute sessions will incorporate pro-active strategies that are useful for whole classrooms as well as individual students and are based on the book The Re-Set Process: Trauma-Informed Behavior Strategies. It is not necessary to purchase the book to participate.
Our Book Study Facilitator: Mardi Hardt (Bernard), Elk Island Public School Board Mental Health Advisor
Mardi is a school mental health nurse with a background in child and adolescent psychiatry. She has worked within schools as a “Worry Nurse” or "Stress Nurse" for all students, their parents and educators. She is involved in the creation of trauma sensitive school settings within a demographic area with high levels of poverty, community violence and complex traumatic experiences. Her community based mental health work involves health promotion and illness prevention in school settings. Mardi is the author of the Edmonton Public Schools’ resource Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities: Teacher Resource. As well, she authored a chapter entitled Children of Neglect in the 2012 textbook Supporting and Educating Traumatized Children: A Guide for School-Based Professionals and a teacher resource for supporting students with lagging skills in Emotional Regulation. Mardi currently works with Elk Island Public Schools as a Mental Health Advisor.
Session 2 - The Re-Set Process Book Study
Presented by Mardi Hardt

January Book of the Month